The Freedom and Care Ministry is here to provide ministry and assistance to individuals and families who call Lifepoint Church home.

Lifepoint desires to come walk beside you if you are struggling with sickness or disease, in the midst of the passing of a loved one, or needing individual, pre-marriage, marriage, or family counsel from a Christ-centered perspective.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
~ Galatians 5:1


We use Degrees of Responsibility to help identify how to engage in freedom and/or care situations:

  • Personal Responsibility

    We can't put or project our own baggage on other people and expect a healthy community. The first Degree of Responsibility is personal responsibility.

    Taking personal responsibility for care is when you take the necessary steps to sort through your own emotional, spiritual, and physical triggers. A good example of this would be going to counseling, reading a recommended book, taking Freedom Session: Foundations, or joining a Skill Group specifically related to an area of personal development.

    Find current and upcoming Skill Groups Here!


    We are not meant to walk alone. This means doing life together and being there for one another. The second Degree of Responsibility is sharing responsibility with our community.

    It's noticing things going on in each others' lives, being authentic and honest about them, but not necessarily solving problems or trying to have all the answers. Instead, it's praying together, being present for one another, and offering practical support. At Lifepoint, this primarily takes place through Community Groups; but this would also include neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family.

    Join a Community Group Today!


    There are things that happen in life that are above the "pay grade" of a Community Group (Shared Responsibility). This is where the third Degree of Responsibility comes in.

    We desire that Groups would be the primary place where our people experience and engage in pastoral and practical care. But there are situations that may require some professional intervention with our trained group of volunteers. There are people in our church equipped to help in these situations.

    Request Care Here!


We have various opportunities, programs, groups, and partners available to support the church. If you desire Lifepoint's presence with you in any physical, spiritual, emotional, relational, or financial situations, please fill out the Care Request Form below. Once this is submitted, someone from the Freedom and Care Team will respond to your request.


Tell Your Story

If you have a story to tell of God's goodness, we want to hear it! Testimony is a powerful way to encourage others in our freedom journeys. Share about the way you have been impacted through a Group, experienced freedom or healing, or have seen truth revealed! Let your story give hope to someone who isn't sure it is worth it to hold on!

Share Your Story

- AND/OR -

Hear Others' Stories

Care Cohort

What is It?

The Care Cohort is a monthly gathering that provides space for our Freedom and Care Ministry Team, Group Leaders, and others to grow in their ability to lead, care, and shepherd others. Each month, we will read or watch two or three different resources, and then will gather with a small group of others to share our thoughts, ask questions and learn with each other. 

Want to Join?

Whether you belong to the Freedom and Care Ministry Team, lead Freedom and Care groups, or just want to lead one day within Lifepoint, 

we'd love to have you join us!




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  • Request Care

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At Lifepoint Church, we desire each person to grow in their relationship with God and others. We believe that fully-devoted followers of Jesus will do so by continually growing in five areas called Next Steps: Celebrate Big, Connect Small, Walk with Jesus, Serve with Us, and Engage the Mission. Our Adult, Family, and Freedom & Care Ministries are organized to facilitate growth in these areas. 

If you are not able to find the information you are looking for, please email to let us know!

    • LIFEPOINT junior - Children from birth through kindergarten have classes provided throughout the entire Sunday morning worship service. These classes are based on developmental stages: Babies, Toddlers, Walkers and Talkers, and VPK-K. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • LIFEPOINT KIDS - Elementary-aged children (1st - 5th Grade) will worship with their families in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings, then they will be dismissed to Lifepoint KIDS! before the sermon for a special time of learning specifically prepared for them! This includes large group teaching and small group discussion. Each month has a specific theme, which parents are encouraged to incorporate into conversations with their children at home. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • LIFEPOINT STUDENTS - Middle & High School students meet weekly on Sunday evenings. We recognize that students are not growing-up in a neutral environment, so we have developed a ministry focused on developing students who are rooted and fruitful, who have a resilient faith, and who partner with God in His mission to rebuild, restore, and renew. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • LIFEPOINT YOUNG ADULTS - We long to see Young Adults, ages 18-25, taking next steps in their walk with Jesus and actively engaging in the life of Lifepoint Church. Despite not having a weekly, age-specific gathering, we do gather as Young Adults a few times a year to provide unique opportunities to build connection and belonging with others in a similar stage of life. For more information, CLICK HERE.
    • GROUPS MINISTRY - Our Groups Ministry transforms lives through an emphasis on building relationships beyond Sunday morning worship. Groups offer the perfect opportunity to support, serve, and sharpen one another in smaller gatherings! For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • MEN'S MINISTRY - At Lifepoint, we want to be the men God has called us to be. As iron sharpens iron, we want to strengthen one another in the Lord. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • LADIES' MINISTRY - Women of all ages need to be encouraged and know they are seen by Jesus, and others. We seek to gather women together to help them encounter Jesus and experience meaningful relationships with each other. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • MARRIAGE MINISTRY - The Lifepoint Church's Marriage Ministry seeks to strengthen marriages through small groups, quarterly events with a marriage focus, mentoring, and prayer for the couples God puts in our paths. For more information, CLICK HERE.
  • The Freedom and Care Ministry is here to provide ministry and assistance to individuals and families who call Lifepoint Church home. Lifepoint desires to come walk beside you if you are struggling with sickness or disease, in the midst of the passing of a loved one, or needing individual, pre-marriage, marriage, or family counsel from a Christ-centered perspective. For more information, CLICK HERE.