Upcoming Malawi Missions' Trip | July 2024

James and Heather Burks will be traveling this summer to Malawi. 

How can you help?

They will be making some in-country purchases. 

If you'd like to donate financially for that, click on the button below.


In addition-

On Sunday, June 30th and July 7th, we will be collecting the following items for their trip-

  • Small soap bars
  • Reading glasses
  • Men's ties
  • Socks of all sizes
  • One Voice Ministries

    One Voice Ministries, Inc. is a 501c3 that serves as an inspiration by the Holy Spirit to carry the message of Jesus Christ to the whole world; but with a strong focus on encouraging the church and its leadership. In this hour, those that claim to be in the Body of Christ need the challenge and edifying of the scripture to truly embrace and walk in the newness of life; to be awakened to what it means to be "salt and light" in this generation While One Voice is dedicated to pour out the Word of God on the people of God to edify the saints, we will always welcome the call to share the Gospel with the lost; crying out to them that it is the narrow path of truth that leads to eternal life; as well as serve all that are in need. 

    "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." -James 1:27

    "But if anyone has the world's good and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?" 1 John 3:17

    Malawi, Africa, which includes monthly support of orphans and widows with medical assistance, food, clothing, school supplies, and basic daily necessities. We support indigenous pastors and leaders with their work of ministry, and we help purchase native language Bibles for those who cannot afford them. We also come alongside the people of Malawi in the times of disasters, like devastating flooding and cyclones, to rebuild homes, replenish basic needs and offer relief and encouragement. 

    Thank you for your prayers and support!

    James and Heather Burks-

    Directors of One Voice Ministries, Inc.

    One Voice Ministries Website

  • Harvest Hope Home

    "Harvest Hope Home- we no longer call it an orphanage because God has provided a home for these children who once had no family. Now, they have a father, mother, brothers, and sisters in Christ! Praise God!"